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Soil Health Card

Soil Health Card

A Soil Health Card is a comprehensive report that provides detailed information about the nutrient status, physical properties, and biological activity of a soil sample. It serves as a valuable tool for farmers, agricultural experts, and improve crop yields.

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Key Information Provided in a Soil Health Card: Nutrient Content: Levels of essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. Soil Texture: The proportion of sand, silt, and clay particles in the soil. Soil pH: The acidity or alkalinity of the soil. Organic Matter: The amount of organic material present in the soil. Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC): The soil's ability to hold and exchange cations. Electrical Conductivity (EC): The soil's salinity level. Soil Structure: The arrangement of soil particles. Soil Biota: The diversity and activity of microorganisms in the soil..

Soil-Health Card Scheme

Under this Soil Health Card scheme, the government plans to issue soil cards to all the farmers which carry crop-wise recommendations of nutrients and fertilizers required for the individual farms in all the States to help farmers to improve yield though judicious use of all inputs.

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All soil samples collected from different farms are tested in various soil testing laboratories across the country.Thereafter the scientists will analyze the strength and weaknesses such as micro-nutrients deficiency of the soil and suggest recommendations to overcome it. Finally the result and recommendations will be displayed in the soil health cards.

Benefits Of Soil Health Card

Precision farming enables farmers to tailor their fertilizer and nutrient applications to the specific needs of their soil, reducing waste and improving efficiency. Sustainable agriculture practices, such as cover cropping, crop rotation, and reduced tillage,

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are promoted to maintain and improve soil health. Additionally, soil health cards help prevent environmental issues like soil erosion, nutrient leaching, and water pollution. Healthy soil supports vigorous plant growth, leading to increased crop yields. Moreover, resilient soils are better equipped to withstand climate change impacts such as drought and flooding.

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